Steps to a FREE Consultation for a Speech & Language Consultation
Step 1 -
Watch the Powerpoint (coming soon)
Step 2 -
Record the Signs and Symptoms from this PDF or the checklist below
☐ Not meeting language and communication milestones
☐ Not meeting cognitive milestones
☐ Difficulty with concentration
☐ Difficulty Sequencing play
☐ Difficulty understanding spoken language (e.g. following directions or understanding what is said)
☐ Difficulty expressing spoken language (e.g. choosing the right words or speaking with words out of order)
☐ Unclear speech compared to same-age peers
☐ Difficulty with hearing
☐ Oral motor skills (e.g. not controlling food or liquid, not able to consistently say the sounds in words the same way every time)
☐ Feeding: difficulty swallowing or choking
☐ Decreased voice volume
☐ Difficulty with reading
☐ Needs an alternate communication device
☐ displays frustration when not able to communicate clearly
Step 3 -
Let's Talk